Brit and the Boys

Feb 24, 2011

Katie, EEG, and Biebs

Trey had his EEG test last week because he has had more seizures lately. He had to be sleep deprived for the test- up until 11pm and then awake at 4am. Needless to say it was a long day, that I was not looking forward to. God must have known I needed something to get me a little more pepped up for this day...

I told Trey he could pick where he could get breakfast, since we had been up for hours
and had to be 35 miles from our house by 8am. (We live in a big city, there IS
 traffic-reason # 2,789 why I did NOT want to do this!) Thankfully, he picked Starbucks.
 He may have known I needed it! We have lived in this big city for
3 years now and not once had I had a celebrity sighting.. Today was the
 day friends! At 7am at our neighborhood Starbucks I ran right into this girl...

I won't lie.. I stood there.. no make up.. no sleep.. total mom sweatsuit.. in shock. I think the words "that's Katie Holmes" may have even came out of my mouth. She must have been thinking "what a loser" haah :) I am no HUGE fan of hers or anything, but I did love Dawson's Creek way back when! She was tall and clearly beautiful! No, Sure and Tom were not with her, although I later heard that Suri was in town with her. This gave me just the pick me up I needed to be excited I had seen a celeb all the way to the Children's Hospital!
We got there and I refuse to go on about this and make myself cry all over again, but there is nothing more sad than a children's neurology wing at the hospital. I was truly thankful that my Trey is so fully functioning and doing so much better than he was just a couple years ago. My heart broke for each parent in that waiting room. (and let the tears start)

Trey did excellent and was such a brave boy. This is probably at 
least the fifth time he has done this test and he is
 getting more and more brave with age :) 
I still haven't gotten any results, which kind of annoys me,
 but I should hear from the Doctor soon!
After this was the fun part of the day! (more fun than Katie!!)
We headed to Trey's school for his Valentine's party and then off to the Justin movie!!

My 3 fav things about the move (and then I am done with this rant of a post)
1. His dad left his mom when Justin was 10months old and she raised him
with the help of her parents. His Grandpa still cries at his shows :/ super sweet! 
2. Justin prays before he eats, even with friends- no parents around. He says his talents
come from Christ
3. He isn't just some Disney kid that got famous.. he is truly talented. He can
play just about any instrument you put in front of him, and was clearly born
with a talent! 
Go see it.. even if you don't like his music! The story is worth hearing!!


  1. so funny that you saw katie @sbux :) and prayers for trey, my friend!

  2. cannot believe you saw her!! whaaat? Im jealous.. not that im a big fan either but ya know. that would be cool to see a celeb!

    I'm so sorry to hear about trey. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard that is on you and him... all of you! praying for ya'll!

    and hey.. you were like maybe fives minutes from where i live... seriously i need to give you my phone number. call me anytime! I would have loved to bring you coffee or whatever. or anything you needed.

    keep us updated!
